Abstract Submission

The Bangladesh Research Society of Nutrition (BRSN) welcomes abstract submissions for presentations at our upcoming conference. We invite researchers, academics, practitioners, and students to share their innovative work, insights, and findings in the field of nutrition science and public health.

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Submission Instructions

Abstract Format: Abstracts must be written in English and should not exceed 250 words. They should be structured with clear headings, including Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusion.

Submission Deadline: Please submit your abstracts the online submission portal on the BRSN website. Late submissions will not be considered.

Author Information: Include the names and affiliations of all contributing authors. Indicate the presenting author with an asterisk (*) and provide contact information, including email address.

Keywords: Provide a list of up to five keywords that best represent the content of your abstract.

Review Process

All submitted abstracts will undergo a peer-review process by the scientific committee. Criteria for evaluation include clarity, relevance, scientific merit, and adherence to submission guidelines. Authors will be notified of acceptance status and presentation format (oral or poster) via email.